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Hands-on Animation

Director: Multiple
Format: 55 min.
Language: Mandarin (with English subtitles)
Audience: Everyone
Location: House 1
More Info:

Ticket Information

Standard: HKD 85

Concession: HKD 68

Hands-on Animation

Animation is labour-intensive, yet this aspect is rarely talked about. This program celebrates the unyielding dedication of animators by featuring seven works created from scratch. Ranging from drawing on celluloid, doodles on paper, hand-coloured black and white photographs, paper puppets, and carving on foil, these frame-by-frame handcrafted delicacies offer a glance into the analogue form of moving image making in today’s new media world.

The screening opens with early pioneers Roxlee’s ABCD (1985) and Gotot Prakosa’s Genesis Genesis (1981). Chen Kunyi’s SUBIDA (2000) and Hung Keung’s Love (1997) form a dynamic collage of two image making practices where both animators merge live action with celluloid animation. The latter part features works by younger artists: Lei Lei and Thomas Sauvin’s Hand Colored No.2 (2015), Zhang Xu Zhan’s Hsin Hsin Joss Paper Store Series—Room 004, Si So Mi (2017–2018), and Cai Caibei’s Sliver Cave (2022), where they delicately put together an exploration on daily materials.

The screening will be followed by a talk with Chinese animator Lei Lei, moderated by M+ Assistant Curator of Moving Image, Savannah Shiu. It will be held in Mandarin.

Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival Guests
Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival Guests

Gotot Prakosa. Genesis Genesis, 1981. Photo: Courtesy of Buttonijo

Roxlee. ABCD, 1985. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Hung Keung. Love, 1997. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Chen Kunyi. SUBIDA, 2000. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Zhang Xu Zhan. Hsin Hsin Joss Paper Store Series—Room 004, Si So Mi, 2017-2018. Single-channel digital video installation (colour, sound), duration: 6 min.. M+, Hong Kong. © Zhang Xu Zhan

Lei Lei, Thomas Sauvin. Hand Colored No.2, 2015. Photo: Courtesy of the artists

Cai Caibei. Sliver Cave, 2022. Photo: Courtesy of the artist.

Image at top: Lei Lei, Thomas Sauvin. Hand Colored No.2, 2015. Photo: Courtesy of the artists
