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Still from video titled 'Inspired by Transliteration—Chapter Three: Wavelength'. Behind a group of leafless trees, there is a person in dark-coloured clothes. A city skyline is visible in the distance.

Zhang Peili:
Weaving the Web

Director: Multiple
Format: 65 min.
Language: Mandarin
Audience: Everyone
Location: House 1
More Info:

Ticket Information

Standard: HKD 85

Concession: HKD 68

Still from video titled 'Inspired by Transliteration—Chapter Three: Wavelength'. Behind a group of leafless trees, there is a person in dark-coloured clothes. A city skyline is visible in the distance.

Zhang Peili:
Weaving the Web

Meet the Chinese video art pioneer Zhang Peili, who created 30 x 30 (1988), widely considered the first video art piece in China. As a founding member of Pond Society in the 1980s, he was a prominent figure in the avant-garde art movement in China. He also led the establishment and development of the new media art department in China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, the first of its kind in the country. With a career spanning four decades, Zhang has built extensive networks with artists from different generations and has been instrumental in shaping the landscape of new media art in China.

In conjunction with the Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival, his video art installation Broadcast at the Same Time (1999.12.31 night) (2000) will be on display in the Main Hall, accompanied by tours led by the curators during the festival.

Moreover, Zhang curated a selection of moving image artworks by his students, including Li Ming, Lu Yang, Peng Yun, Wu Junyong, and Yi Lian. These works represent a diverse range of experimental practices in moving image and new media art since the inception of avant-garde movements in China. The single-channel films encompass performative videos, avant-garde image experimentation, ink animation, and computer-generated graphics.

The screening will be followed by a conversation between Zhang Peili and his former student and celebrated new media artist Lu Yang, moderated by Kate Gu, Associate Curator, Digital Special Projects. The conversation will focus on the connections between their artistic practices, and how Zhang’s teaching philosophy has influenced the creative approaches of future generations.  

Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival Guests
Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival Guests
Still from video titled ‘Mukeh in the End All Will Fade Away…’. Seven hands, each with read nail polish, are touching a person's back. Three hands are extending from the left, three from the right, and one from the bottom center.

Peng Yun. Mukeh in the End All Will Fade Away…, 2015. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Still from video titled 'Lu Yang Delusional Crime and Punishment'. In the background there is a close up of a person's face with a menacing open mouth smile. In the foreground are flames and what appears to be wooden stakes in black and white. There is a black and white nude figure with an athletic physique and the head of what appears to be a horse with long hair.

Lu Yang. Lu Yang Delusional Crime and Punishment, 2016. Single-channel digital video (colour, sound), duration: 14 min. 37 sec.. M+, Hong Kong. © Lu Yang

Still from video titled 'Inspired by Transliteration—Chapter Three: Wavelength'. The image is tinted blue. The sun is reflecting on a body of water. In the shallow water stands a person holding a basket and the water is up to their ankle.  There are a few rocks in the water with a bigger rock on the left. Overlaid this image is a close up of a horse with a horse bit. A hand feeds it a carrot.

Li Ming. Inspired by Transliteration—Chapter Three: Wavelength, 2018. Single-channel digital video (colour, sound), duration: 18 min. 58 sec.. M+, Hong Kong. © Li Ming

Still from video titled 'Up and Down'. In a grey concrete space, there is a bamboo ladder leaning against the wall. A man dressed in black is climbing up the ladder with a metal pail in one hand and a black umbrella in another. There is a man behind him watching.

Yi Lian. Up and Down, 2022. Photo: Courtesy of the artist.

Still from an animated video titled 'Some Other Scenery'. The background is white with reddish-brown circles. There is a man standing in the middle wearing a blue hat, jumpsuit, socks, and shoes. There is a yellow tiger going through him and he has on hand on the tiger's neck and the other hand raised.

Wu Junyong. Some Other Scenery, 2022. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival Guests
Asian Avant-Garde Film Festival Guests
Still from video titled ‘Mukeh in the End All Will Fade Away…’. Seven hands, each with read nail polish, are touching a person's back. Three hands are extending from the left, three from the right, and one from the bottom center.

Peng Yun. Mukeh in the End All Will Fade Away…, 2015. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Still from video titled 'Lu Yang Delusional Crime and Punishment'. In the background there is a close up of a person's face with a menacing open mouth smile. In the foreground are flames and what appears to be wooden stakes in black and white. There is a black and white nude figure with an athletic physique and the head of what appears to be a horse with long hair.

Lu Yang. Lu Yang Delusional Crime and Punishment, 2016. Single-channel digital video (colour, sound), duration: 14 min. 37 sec.. M+, Hong Kong. © Lu Yang

Still from video titled 'Inspired by Transliteration—Chapter Three: Wavelength'. The image is tinted blue. The sun is reflecting on a body of water. In the shallow water stands a person holding a basket and the water is up to their ankle.  There are a few rocks in the water with a bigger rock on the left. Overlaid this image is a close up of a horse with a horse bit. A hand feeds it a carrot.

Li Ming. Inspired by Transliteration—Chapter Three: Wavelength, 2018. Single-channel digital video (colour, sound), duration: 18 min. 58 sec.. M+, Hong Kong. © Li Ming

Still from video titled 'Up and Down'. In a grey concrete space, there is a bamboo ladder leaning against the wall. A man dressed in black is climbing up the ladder with a metal pail in one hand and a black umbrella in another. There is a man behind him watching.

Yi Lian. Up and Down, 2022. Photo: Courtesy of the artist.

Still from an animated video titled 'Some Other Scenery'. The background is white with reddish-brown circles. There is a man standing in the middle wearing a blue hat, jumpsuit, socks, and shoes. There is a yellow tiger going through him and he has on hand on the tiger's neck and the other hand raised.

Wu Junyong. Some Other Scenery, 2022. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Image at top: Li Ming. Inspired by Transliteration—Chapter Three: Wavelength, 2018. Single-channel digital video (colour, sound), duration: 18 min. 58 sec.. M+, Hong Kong. © Li Ming
