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Paper cards are piled into four stacks according to their colours: from left to right, the cards read 'INHABITANT' (pink), 'THEME' (blue), 'THING' (yellow) and 'EVENT' (green). Below them is a loose heap of flipped cards, while a hand holds up a card that reads 'Describe something you wish you had the time to do more often. In your world, this activity is EITHER necessary OR disallowed (you pick). In what way is it necessary/disallowed - physically, legally, socially, or another way? Who opposes or breaks this rule and become this...'

Young People Meet-Up:
Building Kusama’s Boundless World through a Board Game

Artist: Nixon Wong
Type: Workshop
Language: Cantonese
Audience: Young People
Location: Atrium
Paper cards are piled into four stacks according to their colours: from left to right, the cards read 'INHABITANT' (pink), 'THEME' (blue), 'THING' (yellow) and 'EVENT' (green). Below them is a loose heap of flipped cards, while a hand holds up a card that reads 'Describe something you wish you had the time to do more often. In your world, this activity is EITHER necessary OR disallowed (you pick). In what way is it necessary/disallowed - physically, legally, socially, or another way? Who opposes or breaks this rule and become this...'

Young People Meet-Up:
Building Kusama’s Boundless World through a Board Game

This event is for participants age sixteen to twenty-four.

Dive into Yayoi Kusama’s boundless world with members of M+ Young Collective. Explore the impossible with worldbuilding through a board game and present your imagined world through writing.

Kusama’s works offer a glimpse of her artistic vision and unique, personal aesthetics, inspired by her fascination of the interconnectedness of life and the universe. In this workshop, participants will collaboratively build a world intertwined with fantasy and reality by answering questions posed by the board game, ’One Hour to Build the World’, designed by game designer and scholar Kaelan Doyle-Myerscough. The process invites participants to reflect on their lived experience, giving everyone an opportunity to understand how different people perceive the world and its interconnections. Creative practitioner Nixon Wong will then lead a creative writing exercise, where participants will transform the world they built into literary works to be published on the M+ Youth social media platforms after the event.

Complementing M+’s special exhibition Yayoi Kusama: 1945 to Now, this workshop explores the core philosophy of life through the lens of Yayoi Kusama.

About the Artist

Nixon Wong graduated in Hong Kong Baptist University with a major in Humanities and minor in History, trained in creative and professional writings, especially in literary and journalist writing style. Currently Nixon actively supports exhibition coordination and performance production, focusing on the multi-disciplinary art education programmes. He also curated and facilitated various creative writing workshops for different institutions, such as Tai Kwun and Hong Kong Arts Centre.

Nixon Wong, in silver spectacles and a navy t-shirt, in a studio space. He smiles and holds up a small round piece of handicraft which resembles a man's face looking sideways.

Portrait of Nixon Wong, © Nixon Wong

About Young People Meet-Up

The Young People Meet-Up series, designed and led by M+ Young Collective, encourages young people to explore and exchange their perspectives of the everyday through regular workshops, conversations, and talks.

The M+ Young Collective volunteer programme is supported by The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Hong Kong, which engages fifteen local tertiary students and recent graduates. They work closely with the M+ team and creative practitioners from various disciplines to develop, plan, and deliver public programmes.

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Image at top: Photo: Blanche Xu, © M+, Hong Kong

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