蒋志早年的摄影作品《吸管人》,虚构了一个「吸管人王国」 ──以吸管吸取各种讯息和资源的族群
JIANG ZHI: I moved to Shenzhen from Beijing at the end of 1998. Sucker could be considered one of my early works. Actually, it is one of my earliest works. I started creating this work in Beijing in around 1997.
After graduation, in 1995, I joined a magazine company. That magazine company was actually based in Shenzhen; later, they stationed me in Beijing. I was actually quite free there. I could even spend time on my art during office hours. The company would ask me to do some journalistic work, such as doing interviews and so on.
One day, I suddenly had an idea. I thought, what if I made a mock, fabricated interview, created a fake report, a fake photo report. It was like this: I had to do a photo story, but everything in it was made up. I said that I’d found a kingdom of ‘suckers’ somewhere, where they all used tubes to suck everything in. Food, messages, resources, everything sucked in through tubes. Then, I took a lot of pictures, and the story was written up for the so-called Sun News.
Back then, I always carried a camera everywhere, looking for people to photograph. For example, Qiu Zhijie was one of my characters too. I also called on lots of people, including friends. I would tell them, ‘I have to shoot this. You should put the tubes in your mouths and then do some strange actions.’ It was just like that. That fake photo story was actually completed in 1997.
There are two people in the work. They’re like ‘you’ and ‘I’, a hybrid of contradictions. One is the inner self, the other is the outer self—it’s this kind of relationship. Maybe one’s a subject and one’s an object. In that way…the two can embody various relationships. Many people are likely to think there's a relationship between the sucker and the sucked, or mutual sucking, a relationship of absorbing each other. Countless meanings can be extended from the two.
At the time, Hou Hanru told me, ‘We’re going to have an exhibition called Canton Express.’ He invited us to join. I thought, if I’m going to take part in the exhibition, I have to develop my work. It can’t just consist of photos and text. So I created a national anthem and a flag for the Sucker kingdom, I made them all together.
In Venice, there was a staircase that extended all the way up. It actually felt a bit utopian. It went like this, and that, with some twists. Of course, it didn’t rotate all the way round like that. The space was quite tall, about four metres high. I was thinking about how to use that space. At some point, in the middle of the night, I thought, sometimes, walking round the streets of Shenzhen, you suddenly saw these hair salons with very narrow shop fronts. The interiors were often a sort of pink colour.
So I thought of combining the idealistic utopian concepts with these special, Guangdong-style salons. There are actually a lot of salons in the south. There weren’t so many in the north, at that time but there were a lot in the south. I think there are…Actually, I particularly like things that combine bad taste and elegance. I think that’s more in line with my aesthetics.
若你曾留意我们的「策展/修复『广东快车』」系列,你应该知道展出《吸管人》的「广东快车」原为2003年威尼斯双年展的展览项目,并于2017年在M+展亭重现。然而,重现《吸管人》的过程非常特殊,因为原有的实体装置已不再存在。 2003年威尼斯双年展结束后,蒋志因资金所限,决定拆毁该装置,仅有少数装置相片、书籍、数码档案和组装指南得以保留。
那么,我们是如何修复并重现一件早已佚失的作品?欢迎细阅以下皮力(M+希克资深策展人,视觉艺术)、Christel Pesme(资深藏品修复员)、Natalie Harding(副藏品修复员,物件)和黄若凡(藏品修复员,纸类)的对谈,寻找箇中答案。
2017在M+展亭展出的《吸管人》(左)。 2003年在威尼斯双年展展出的《吸管人》(右),
© Jiang Zhi, M+,香港,管艺捐赠,2013年
于2003年展览中展示的《吸管人》艺术书,钉在图中墙上的右上角(右)。 2017年展览中其中一本剩下的《吸管人》艺术书,妥善地保存于亚加力胶箱内(左)
为确保行文清晰,以上访谈已经过编辑。除另有标注外,所有图片:M+,香港。此文章原于「M+ 故事」发布。